End of the onboard liquid restrictions is in sight for air travellers.

Soon there will be no more need to cram those little 100 millilitre liquid bottles in to small plastic bags

We all know the pre-flight boarding drill by now. Since 2006, any 100ml liquids need to be removed from hand baggage and placed in a clear plastic bag to be scanned.

For people like me who usually travel with carry-on baggage only, this was a challenge.

The rule came in after a foiled bomb plot in 2006 and it’s due to be lifted by June 2024 when main airports have been charged with implementing better screening technology so the 100ml per container limit will eventually be ended.

Imagine. You’ll soon be able to take a whole toothpaste tube on onboard. And soon we hope, a whole JD.

I was at Gatwick airport last week packing small 100 millilitre bottles of liquids in to a transparent bag, unable quite to get the ziplock locked.

So I had to I consider jettisoning something. Toothpaste? No. Deodorant? Definitely no. Shaving cream. Maybe. Luckily on my third attempt, like getting the correct belt buckle hole after Thanksgiving, I succeeded.

Airport security stopped me and asked me what was in a certain bottle that got flagged and didn’t go through the machine.

I looked at it quizzically, it was something that Life Boss had given me to take through security. I didn’t have my reading glasses on so couldn’t tell him what it was.

(Life-Boss who is part photographer and part shopper, has many more bottles than me and I don’t just mean in the drinks cabinet. You should see our bathroom, filled with bottles of mango this and pomegranate that. I’m never sure whether to wash in it or put it on my museli.)

“Are you sure this is yours sir?”

“Yes,” I nodded.

He placed it in a small scientific machine,a small metal box with a little door, that confirmed that the fluid in the small bottle was not a dangerous liquid.

As he handed me the bottle he gave me the once-over and his eyes dwelled for a few seconds on the top of my bald head.

I handed it back to Life-Boss at the other end of security.

“What was in it?” I asked

“Just dry shampoo,” she muttered.

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